June 2017
Auto PeakTrace 6.60 release

April 2017
Auto PeakTrace 6.53 release

October 2016
Auto PeakTrace 6.46 released

July 2016
Chromas with PeakTrace relased

June 2016
Auto PeakTrace 6.41 released

May 2016
Auto PeakTrace 6.30 released

April 2016
PeakTrace RP 6.30 released

March 2016
PeakTrace RP 6.22 released

November 2015
PeakTrace 6.11 released.

November 2015
PeakTrace 6.10 released.

August 2015
PeakTrace 6.00 released.

July 2015
PeakTrace 5.92 released.

June 2015
PeakTrace 5.91 released.

May 2015
PeakTrace 5.83 released.

Feburary 2015
PeakTrace 5.70 released.


Useful Links

Advice and protocols for improving sequencing DNA quality

Reviews of DNA sequencing facilities

PeakTrace Basecaller

The PeakTrace Basecaller™ is a alternative Sanger DNA sequencing basecaller for improving the readlength and quality of ABI sequencing traces that has been developed by Nucleics. The PeakTrace Basecaller provides from 15% to 100% more high quality bases as compared to basecallers such as ABI's KB Basecaller™ or phred. In addition to offering more data, it improves the DNA peak resolution making it easier to manually check the basecall.

PeakTrace is able to basecall DNA sequencing trace files collected by the ABI 377, ABI 310, ABI 3700, ABI 3100, ABI 3130, ABI 3500, ABI 3730, ABI 3730xl, MegaBACE 1000 and MegaBACE 4000 DNA sequencers.

The images below shows a typical example obtained from a 50cm ABI 3730 trace file. The top image was basecalled with PeakTrace and the second is the original ABI KB basecaller trace. This is the same trace file just basecalled with the two different basecallers.

PeakTrace Basecaller

PeakTrace Processed Trace

KB Basecaller

KB basecalled Trace

You can trial PeakTrace for free on your own traces by visiting the PeakTrace Online page. For further information of PeakTrace please download our PeakTrace Whitepaper.

Auto PeakTrace RP

Auto PeakTrace RP is a user installable version of the Auto PeakTrace software which allows users to upload their traces to the PeakTrace server using the Auto PeakTrace RP software and have them processed automatically. You can find out more about PeakTrace RP by visiting the PeakTrace DNA basecaller information page or the PeakTrace FAQ page. The latest release of Auto PeakTrace RP is 6.46

Auto PeakTrace RP mail window